Modern, open and downward-scaleable data engineering

Getting started with the composable data stack

Dr Daniel Kapitan

Eindhoven AI Systems Institute

September 8, 2024

Learning objectives

Understand the problem

  • how data platforms evolved in the past couple of decades
  • current problems with data platforms
  • what concepts underlie the composable data stack
  • what concepts underlie modern data engineering workflows

Know how to

  • Build end-to-end data pipeline using open source implementations of the composable data stack
  • Apply best practices of functional data engineering
  • Apply the split-apply-combine strategy with various syntaxes


  • on how this impact your (future) work as a data engineer
  • on the pro’s and con’s of open standards and open source

Understand the problem

The problem

The ML/AI/Data (MAD) Landscape

The Composable Data Management System Manifesto

The requirement for specialization in data management systems has evolved faster than our software development practices. After decades of organic growth, this situation has created a siloed landscape composed of hundreds of products developed and maintained as monoliths, with limited reuse between systems. This fragmentation has resulted in developers often reinventing the wheel, increased maintenance costs, and slowed down innovation. It has also affected the end users, who are often required to learn the idiosyncrasies of dozens of incompatible SQL and non-SQL API dialects, and settle for systems with incomplete functionality and inconsistent semantics.

Pedreira, Pedro, et al. The composable data management system manifesto. Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment 16.10 (2023): 2679-2685.

Let’s start at the beginning

Edgar Codd invents relational algebra (1970)

E. F. Codd. A relational model of data for large shared data banks. Commun. ACM 13, 6 (June 1970), 377–387.

Standard Query Language (SQL)

Still the most important language for a data engineer

Source: Jadwiga Wilkens on Medium. The Best BigQuery SQL Cheat Sheet for Beginners.

Evolution of data platfom architectures

Armbrust, Michael, et al. Lakehouse: a new generation of open platforms that unify data warehousing and advanced analytics. Proceedings of CIDR. Vol. 8. 2021.

Towards a data-centric future

NOW: Application-Centric FUTURE: Data-Centric
Exorbitant, often prohibitive, cost of change. Reasonable cost of change. Data is tied up in applications because applications own data. Data is an open resource that outlives any given application.
Every new project comes with a big data conversion project. Every new project taps into existing data stores.
Data exists in wide variety of heterogeneous formats, structures, meaning, and terminology. Data is globally integrated sharing a common meaning, being exported from a common source into any needed format.
Data integration consumes 35%-65% of IT budget. Data integration will be nearly free.
Hard or impossible to integrate external data with internal data. Internal and external data readily integrated.

Source: The Data-Centric Manifesto: Principles.

Understand open standards for data platforms

Decomposing the venerable relational database management system (RDBMS)

Source: Basil Borque on Stackoverflow

Decomposing the database into open standards

Arrow: from row-based to column-based tables

Columnar is faster for analytical processing

Source: Apache Arrow overview.

Standardization saves time and resources

No costly serialization/deserialization, no custom implementations

Source: Apache Arrow overview.

JDBC/ODBC: row-based database connectivity protocols

Less suitable for analytical workloads

Source: Apache Arrow: Introducing ADBC.

Arrow Database Connectivity (ADBC)

A single API for getting Arrow data in and out of different databases

Source: Apache Arrow: Introducing ADBC.

Iceberg: an open table format and catalog

Basically, a database engine in files

Source: Apache Iceberg specification.

Iceberg catalog

We still need a (small) database

Source: Apache Iceberg: An Architectural Look Under the Covers.

Iceberg metadata file

Stores schema, partition information and snapshots

Source: Apache Iceberg: An Architectural Look Under the Covers.

Iceberg manifest list

Stores information about each manifest file that makes up a snapshot

Source: Apache Iceberg: An Architectural Look Under the Covers.

Iceberg manifest file

Track data files as well as additional details and statistics about each file

Source: Apache Iceberg: An Architectural Look Under the Covers.

Iceberg in practice

Creating a table

    order_id BIGINT,
    customer_id BIGINT,
    order_amount DECIMAL(10, 2),
    order_ts TIMESTAMP
USING iceberg
PARTITIONED BY ( HOUR(order_ts) );

Source: Apache Iceberg: An Architectural Look Under the Covers.

Iceberg in practice

Result of creating a table

Source: Apache Iceberg: An Architectural Look Under the Covers.

Iceberg in practice

Inserting data

    '2021-01-26 08:10:23'

Source: Apache Iceberg: An Architectural Look Under the Covers.

Iceberg in practice

Result of inserting data

Source: Apache Iceberg: An Architectural Look Under the Covers.

Iceberg in practice

Merge into/upserting data

USING ( SELECT * FROM table1_stage ) s
    ON table1.order_id = s.order_id
    UPDATE table1.order_amount = s.order_amount
    INSERT *

Source: Apache Iceberg: An Architectural Look Under the Covers.

Iceberg in practice

Result of merging into/upserting data

Source: Apache Iceberg: An Architectural Look Under the Covers.

Iceberg in practice

Merge into/upserting data

FROM db1.table1

Source: Apache Iceberg: An Architectural Look Under the Covers.

Iceberg in practice

Result of select statement

Source: Apache Iceberg: An Architectural Look Under the Covers.

Understand the composable data stack

The Data Science Hierachy of Needs

All you need is MICE

The Composable Data Stack


The Composable Data Stack


The Composable Data Stack

Subtstrait for Intermediate Representation (IR)

The Composable Data Stack

Arrow for connectivity and data memory layout

Big Data Is Dead

Source: Jordan Tigani, Big Data Is Dead.

You can work with 100s GB of data on a single machine

All you need is a PC and some open source libraries

Source: The Data Quarry::blog Embedded databases (1): The harmony of DuckDB, KùzuDB and LanceDB.

Know How To

From components to a whole platform architecture

Source: Andreessen Horowitz, Emerging Architectures for Modern Data Infrastructure.

The Composable Data Stack in Practice

Let’s get into building an end-to-end stack

The Pipeline Pattern

Directed Acyclyc Graphs, ETL/ELT and functional data engineering

Source: Hamilton.


Software-Defined Assets

Source: Dagster Introducing Software-Defined Assets.

Walk-through end-to-end pipeline

Points of interest

  • Overall structure of the project
  • Managing your workflow: just
  • Writing pipelines: functions, functions, functions
  • Inspecting your DAG with Dagster
  • Materializing assets
  • Dashboard

The split-apply-combine strategy for data analysis

Wickham, H. (2011). The Split-Apply-Combine Strategy for Data Analysis. Journal of Statistical Software, 40(1), 1–29.

The split-apply-combine strategy for data analysis

Overview data transformations in different libraries

concept pandas polars ibis PySpark dplyr SQL
split groupby() group_by() group_by() groupBy() group_by() GROUP BY
combine join (), merge() join() left_join, inner_join() etc. join() left_join, inner_join() etc. LEFT JOIN, JOIN etc.
filtering (row based) loc[], query() filter() filter() filter() filter() WHERE
select (column based) loc[], iloc[], select() select() select() select() SELECT
mutate assign() with_columns() mutuate() withColumn() mutate() ADD
ordering sort_values() sort() order_by() orderBy() arrange() ORDER BY

Method chaining

Using functions the bad way

            fetch(went_up(jack_jill, "hill"), "water"),

… vs. the more readable way


Source: Tom’s (Augspurger) Blog. Method Chaining.

Naming of table hierarchy differs across backends

Ibis uses catalog –> database –> table

Backend Catalog Database
bigquery project database
clickhouse database
datafusion catalog schema
druid dataSourceType dataSource
duckdb database schema
flink catalog database
impala database
mssql database schema
mysql database
postgres database schema
pyspark database
snowflake database
trino catalog schema

Source: Ibis documentation.

Working with nested data

Gotcha! Unforunately there is no standard naming yet …

operation ibis polars duckdb
Flatten Array into multiple rows ArrayValue.unnest() DataFrame.explode() UNNEST
Unnest Struct into multiple columns Table.unpack(*columns) DataFrame.unnest() UNNEST

Ibis also has methods that operate directly on a column of structs:

You can swap components to your hearts content

My personal preferences

component Ibis analytics demo My preference
Workflow orchestration Dagster Hamilton
Persistent storage parquet, native DuckDB files Apache Iceberg
Dashboarding app Streamlit Shiny for Python, Quarto
Visualization plotly vega-altair

Stuff we haven’t covered yet

…and will definitely give you a headache in future projects

  • Change Data Capture (CDC): determine and track data that has changed at the source, such that you only have to process the ‘deltas’
  • Setup and manage access control mechanisms in an operational data platform
  • Provide documentation for non-technical users
  • Reporting on data quality


Group discussion

What are your main take-outs?

Thanks for your attention.